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Brochures, Publications, & Resource Materials

Victims' Rights in Louisiana: An Ovriew with Emphasis on Rights for Survivors of Sexual AssaultThis white paper is a comprehensive guide for sexual violence survivors and the professionals that serve them. 

Los Derechos de las Víctimas en Louisiana: una Revisión con énfasis en los derechos para los sobrevivientes de agresión sexualEste libro blanco es una guía completa para los sobrevivientes de violencia sexual y los profesionales que los atienden.

Louisiana Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Plan: A Follow-Up
In 2014, statewide stakeholders collaborated on an update to the previous Louisiana Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Plan.  Using input from sexual assault center staff, the new Plan is about putting theory into action.  It includes special sections on lessons learned and monitoring and evaluation.

Report Sexual Violence: A Guide About Survivors' Rights & OptionsThis pocket guide helps student survivors understand their rights and the options available to them. 

Safety Planning Guide for Advocates
This interactive PDF has information for advocates working with survivors in a variety of situations, such as survivors with disabilities, who are homeless, who are incarcerated, and more. (Some browsers require downloading the brochure to your desktop or device for the links to function properly.)

LaFASA's Sexual Assault Healing Activity Book
This free resource is a wonderful tool for survivors to heal from trauma.

Care*ageous Kids Coloring Book 
This free resource is a tool for educators and counselors to help kids and parents learn to prevent and deal with sexual violence.

MY Very Own Activity Book About MY Feelings
This is a free activity book for child survivors to cope with the aftermath of trauma and assault.

Teen Texting Safety Awareness Posters / NowMattersL8R

PREA and You
This brochure is a simple guide for incarcerated survivors to understand their rights and options available.

Mythbuster "Fortune-teller"
This interactive resource busts the myths and misconceptions surrounding sexual assault. Print out the piece and fold it into a "fortune-teller." It engages all ages.

Write to Grow Journal
A journal with several pages of blank lines to help the healing process.


Louisiana Crime Victim Reparations

If you were a victim of a violent crime (sexual assault and/or domestic violence), you may be able to receive reparations. This rack card has a summation of who is eligible and who to contact to get more information.

LaFASA Brochures
Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault 
Sexual Abuse and Healing: A Guide for Parents
Bystander Intervention
Personal Safety Tips & Dating Violence
Sexual Assault: Healing Takes Time
Sexual Assault & Healing for Male Survivors 
Serving and Supporting LGBTQ Survivors of Sexual Violence
Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault
Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

The Path to a Protective Order
How Much Time Do I Have to Take Legal Action?

Reporting Sexual Violence on Campus: A guide about students' options and rights


LaFASA Brochures: Spanish
Abuso sexual y sanación para PADRES
Comprensión y consejos de seguridad:  INTERVENCIÓN DEL ESPECTADOR
Consejos de seguridad personal y VIOLENCIA EN EL NOVIAZGO
Agresión sexual: SANAR TOMA TIEMPO
Agresión sexual y sanación para HOMBRES  SOBREVIVIENTES
Asalto sexual y curación para Supervivientes LGBTQ +
Apoyo para sobrevivientes de VIOLENCIA SEXUAL

LaFASA Brochures: French
L’abus sexuel et le processus de guérison pour PARENTS
Conseils de compréhension et de sécurité: INTERVENIR EN TANT QUE TÉMOIN
Conseils de sécurité et LA VIOLENCE EN COUPLE
L’agression sexuelle et le processus de guérison pour LES VICTIMES MASCULINES 
Agression sexuelle et guérison pour LGBTQ+ Survivants

LaFASA Brochures: Vietnamese
TĂNG CƯỜNG SỰ THAM GIA CỦA NAM GIỚI / Bystander Intervention
Các mẹo về An toàn Cá nhân & BẠO LỰC KHI HẸN HÒ / Personal Safety Tips & Dating Violence
CẦN THỜI GIAN ĐỂ CHỮA LÀNH TỔN THƯƠNG / Sexual Assault: Healing Takes Time
Lạm dụng Tình dục & Chữa lành tổn thương cho PHỤ HUYNH / Sexual Abuse and Healing: A Guide for Parents
TẤN CÔNG TÌNH DỤC LOUISIANA / Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault

LaFASA Brochures: Chinese
我能為我的家庭做什麼 / Sexual Abuse and Healing: A Guide for Parents 
什麼是旁觀者干預 / Bystander Intervention
 個人安全小竅門 / Personal Safety Tips & Dating Violence
治愈過程 / Sexual Assault: Healing Takes Time
治愈過程 / Sexual Assault and Healing for Male Surviors
什麼是性侵犯 / Servicing and Suporting LGBTQ Survivors of Sexual Violence
創傷和性侵犯 / Supporting Survivors Against Sexual Assault

LaFASA Brochures: Arabic

الاعتداء الجنسي: دليل للوالدين / Sexual Abuse and Healing: A Guide for Parents 
كتيب مشاهدي الحدث: / Bystander Intervention
نصائح السلامة الشخصية والتاريخ العنف / Personal Safety Tips & Dating Violence
الشفاء يستغرق بعض الوقت / Sexual Assault: Healing Takes Time 
شفاء للناجين من الذكور / Sexual Assault and Healing for Male Survivors
دعم الناجين / Supporting Survivors Against Sexual Assault

Requesting Resources
To request copies of these brochures, other resources, or to make a suggestion about new topics for LaFASA to consider please contact the Outreach, 225-372-8995, or request resources by contacting us here.

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